Takuro Mizobe, CEO of Pocket Pair: Pioneering the Future of Indie Gaming

Takuro Mizobe (溝部 拓郎), the CEO of Pocketpair Inc., stands as a significant figure in the gaming industry, particularly in Japan where he has established a commendable presence. Under his leadership, the company made headlines for its innovative gaming titles like “Craftopia” and the much-anticipated “Palworld.” His journey into the gaming sphere is notable, having a technical background with education from the Tokyo Institute of Technology and a swerve from finance at JP Morgan Securities to gaming and entrepreneurship.

Before founding Pocketpair Inc., Mizobe demonstrated a keen interest in technology and business development. With ventures like ResuPress Inc. and participation in the Nintendo Game Seminar for DS development, his transition into the gaming industry was grounded in a strong understanding of both technology and market dynamics. The creation of Pocketpair Inc. in 2015 marked a significant step in Mizobe’s career, highlighting the company’s emphasis on crafting unique gaming experiences and pushing the envelope in technological integration within games.

Key Takeaways

  • Takuro Mizobe’s route to Pocketpair Inc. involved a blend of technological and financial expertise.
  • Pocketpair Inc. has gained recognition for its original titles and contribution to games’ technological advancement.
  • Strategic moves in the company under Mizobe’s guidance have expanded its influence within the gaming community.

Takuro Mizobe’s Background

  • 2010 – Development for the DS at Nintendo Game Seminar
  • 2012 – Graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • 2012 – Joined JPMorgan Securities
  • 2012 – Founded ResuPress Inc., released STORYS.JP
  • 2014 – Founded the cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck
  • 2015 – Founded Pocket Pair Inc.


Takuro Mizobe began playing video games as a child when the family moved to Indonesia due to his father’s job and was unable to play outside as a result. He became engrossed in games and took advantage of the Japanese school’s computers to learn technology that would later become the foundation of his career.

Mizobe, inspired by his father’s suggestion, started developing games in the fifth grade during a summer vacation. Despite living in an era where games were seen as children’s play and feeling uncertain about recognition, he created a shooting game using “Visual Basic 6.0”. With about half of the code copied from the internet, his submission on a floppy disk surprised his teacher and earned him an award, which may have been the defining moment that led him to aspire to be a developer.

After creating his first game, Mizobe indulged in playing games, including home video games and free online games from Vector, analyzing game settings and memory. All the while, he aspired to be a programmer or developer.

During his fifth-grade summer vacation, inspired by his father, Mizobe created a shooting game using “Visual Basic 6.0”. Despite copying half of the code from the internet, his teacher was impressed and awarded him, which may have influenced his aspirations of becoming a developer.

 Mizobe’s journey after high school led him to the Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he encountered two talented programmer friends. This encounter made him question his own advantage as a developer, prompting him to shift his focus to studying economics instead of pursuing the typical path of information or electrical engineering.

However, Mizobe’s interest in games remained strong, and he aspired to become a game programmer at Nintendo, inspired by Iwata Satoru, a former Nintendo president who was also an alumnus of Tokyo Tech. To improve his skills, Mizobe decided to participate in the Nintendo Game Seminar while working part-time at Pixiv Inc. for practical experience.

The Nintendo Game Seminar was like a year-long internship, involving six months of learning the basics of game development followed by the creation of a Nintendo DS game in teams. During this experience, Mizobe realized the significant difference between web service development at Pixiv and the intricate process of game development. He discovered that he lacked the same passion for the detailed mechanics of games as his peers in the seminar, which led him to abandon the path of game development.

Despite facing a change in plans, Mizobe found his niche as a game developer at Pocket Pair, combining production and direction responsibilities. While acknowledging his limitations as a top-tier game programmer, he utilized his engineering background and experience in launching services from scratch. He values his dual perspective in technology and business, believing it offers unique insights in game development and fosters respectful relationships with his engineering team. His ultimate goal remains creating enjoyable games that blend his experience in the gaming industry and business.

Nintendo Game Seminar

From 1990 to 1992 and again starting in 2003, Nintendo held game development seminars in collaboration with Dentsu and later independently, targeting students for hands-on training. These seminars, held across various Nintendo locations, culminated in team-based game development projects. From 2015, Nintendo transitioned to a more focused internship program, offering short-term internships in specific job roles.

Early Career and Finance

Takuro Mizobe, before stepping into the gaming industry, embarked on a career in finance. He started his professional journey at a well-established foreign financial institution, specifically JP Morgan Securities. His tenure at JP Morgan provided him with a solid foundation in the dynamics of global finance and sharpened his business acumen.

Venture into Gaming Industry

The transition to the gaming sector marked a significant pivot in Mizobe’s career. After gaining valuable experience in finance, he founded Pocketpair, Inc., where he currently serves as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Under his guidance, Pocketpair has strived to push the boundaries of conventional game design, aiming to deliver unique gaming experiences that challenge players’ expectations.

Pocket Pair Inc. Overview

Pocket Pair Inc. is recognized for its innovative approach in the gaming industry, spearheaded by CEO Takuro Mizobe, and has made significant strides since its inception.

Company Formation

Pocket Pair Inc., formally known as 株式会社ポケットペア in Japanese, was established by CEO Takuro Mizobe in 2015. Under his leadership, the company ventured into the vibrant gaming market with its debut title and has since continued to expand its repertoire with noteworthy games. One such prominent title is Craftopia, a multifaceted open-world game combining various gaming elements which has achieved substantial success.

Business Philosophy

The company’s business philosophy transcends the conventional boundaries of game development. Pocket Pair Inc. focuses on creating games that blend various genres and gaming mechanics, striving for innovation rather than following market trends. This is evident in their diverse game offerings, including their survival action game Craftopia, which integrates agriculture, automation, and architectural elements within a multiplayer platform. This gaming philosophy has resonated well within the ゲーム会社 community, contributing to its accumulating success and popularity.

Notable Games Developed

Under the leadership of 溝部 拓郎, CEO of Pocket Pair, the company has made significant strides in the gaming industry. They have developed several games that blend different genres to create unique gaming experiences.


Craftopia is an open-world game that combines elements of survival with crafting, adventure, and even farming. Known in Japanese as クラフトピア, this title has managed to incorporate various popular game design philosophies to public acclaim. Players can engage in activities such as hunting, building, and exploring vast biomes, reflecting a blend of influences that stretch across multiple genres.


In the game Palworld, Pocket Pair ventures into a new concept, melding creatures similar to Pokémon with a world that echoes survival mechanics. The game requires players to befriend, breed, and even utilize creatures known as Pals for tasks such as building and battling while surviving in a robust and challenging environment. パルワールド is distinctive for its approach to combining adorable creature interactions with more complex themes like labor and exploitation.


Finally, Overdungeon is a fusion of real-time and turn-based strategy gaming. It is a unique blend that stands out in Pocket Pair’s portfolio. In オーバーダンジョン, players must navigate through a dungeon by using a deck of cards, crafting strategies on the fly to defeat enemies and overcome obstacles. The game has been well-received for pushing the boundaries of conventional game design in the genre.

Business Achievements

Takuro Mizobe, at the helm of Pocket Pair, Inc., has propelled the company to significant sales achievements and established a strong global presence within the gaming industry.

Sales Milestones

Under Mizobe’s leadership, Pocket Pair crafted the open-world survival action game Craftopia, which has surpassed the 500,000 sales mark on Steam. This milestone is a testament to the company’s innovative approach to game design, combining genres to create new gaming experiences that resonate with players.

Global Presence

Craftopia not only achieved impressive sales digits but also marked Pocket Pair’s foray into global markets. Thanks to Mizobe’s strategic vision, the game generated significant sales globally, showcasing Pocket Pair’s capacity to appeal to diverse audiences across different regions. The global sales figure speaks volumes about the company’s growing footprint in the gaming industry.

Influence in Gaming Community

Takuro Mizobe, as the CEO of Pocket Pair, has been recognized for his significant involvement in the evolution of the indie gaming scene and active participation in gaming seminars. His actions have not only shaped the development of innovative games but have also fostered a robust dialogue with the gaming community.

Impact on Indie Games

Pocket Pair, under Mizobe’s leadership, has pushed the boundaries of indie game development. They are known for creating “Craftopia”, a game that blends multiple genres, suggesting Mizobe’s role in driving innovation within the indie games sector. This title, which successfully integrates survival mechanics with adventure and crafting elements, illustrates how Mizobe has influenced the indie game market by blending traditional game designs with avant-garde concepts.

Gaming Seminars and Community Engagement

At various gaming seminars, Mizobe has shared Pocket Pair’s philosophy of “user-driven development,” discussing how community feedback is integral to their development process. This approach has strengthened ties with players and has had a positive impact on the gaming industry, especially in regards to the indie games community, by demonstrating how developers can remain responsive to their audience’s needs while still pursuing innovative game designs.

Technological Advances

Under the leadership of Takuro Mizobe, Pocket Pair Inc. has made significant strides in both game development and user interface enhancements across its game titles.

Game Development Innovations

Pocket Pair’s approach to game development under Mizobe’s guidance has been marked by a fusion of different gaming genres, creating unique experiences. For instance, Overdungeon combines real-time and turn-based strategy elements, appealing to a broad range of players. The company’s hit game, Craftopia, integrates survival and adventure with crafting, pushing the envelope of traditional game design.

User Interface Improvements

For the user interface (UI), innovations led by Mizobe have focused on intuitive design and accessibility. Craftopia’s UI seamlessly blends a multitude of game mechanics without overwhelming the user, enabling a smoother player experience. By prioritizing clear and simple UI designs, Pocket Pair ensures that new features and mechanics are easily understood and integrated into the gameplay.

Marketing and Social Media

In the realm of digital presence, Takuro Mizobe, CEO of Pocket Pair Inc., emphasizes a strategic approach to marketing and social media, particularly through platforms like Twitter.

Twitter Utilization

Takuro Mizobe’s strategy for leveraging Twitter is precision-focused, reaching out directly to the gaming community with concise messages and updates about the company’s latest ventures. His tweets often include media content such as imagery and videos of game developments, which are not only engaging but serve as an immediate touchpoint with fans and potential customers. This visual-oriented approach on Twitter serves to capture the fast-moving メディア landscape effectively.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Takuro Mizobe, as the CEO of Pocketpair Inc., has spearheaded various partnerships and collaborations to enhance the company’s game development capabilities and market reach. Under his leadership, Pocketpair Inc. has established vital associations across the industry.

  • Strategic Alliances: To bolster the development and distribution of their games, Pocketpair Inc. has engaged in fruitful partnerships with established platforms. Craftopia, a notable title from Pocketpair, achieved significant sales milestones on the digital distribution service Steam. These alliances are pivotal for driving user engagement and expanding audience reach.

  • Innovation in Gaming: The company’s persistent pursuit of innovation led to the creation of Palworld, a unique game that combines elements of different popular genres. By fusing concepts from games like Pokémon and ARK: Survival Evolved, Pocketpair demonstrates their commitment to offering novel gaming experiences.

In their collaborations, Pocketpair maintains a focus on delivering games that push beyond conventional boundaries within the gaming community. The aim is to offer fresh and engaging content that resonates with players worldwide. Mizobe’s strategic approach in fostering collaborations reflects Pocketpair’s core philosophy of evolving game culture through a blend of creativity and partnership.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

When examining the journey of Takuro Mizobe, the CEO of Pocket Pair, certain legal and ethical considerations come to the forefront given his varied entrepreneurial experiences. Notably, Mizobe’s establishment of Pocket Pair followed his introduction to the gaming industry at a Nintendo game seminar and his time at JP Morgan Securities.

In the realm of game development, intellectual property (IP) rights are critical. Mizobe’s leadership at Pocket Pair must ensure that all their games, such as their well-known Craftopia, respect existing IPs avoiding copyright infringement, which is essential for maintaining the company’s integrity and legal standing.

Additionally, data protection regulations are fundamental, especially for companies dealing with user information. Mizobe’s previous experience, including founding the virtual currency exchange Coincheck, implies his awareness of the importance of safeguarding user data, implementing robust cyber-security measures, and complying with international data protection laws like GDPR and local Japanese regulations.

Transparency in operations is another ethical consideration. As a CEO, Mizobe needs to foster a culture of openness, particularly about monetization strategies in games. Consumer protection laws require clarity on in-game purchases, with an emphasis on preventing exploitative practices such as undisclosed loot box odds.

Lastly, fairness in the workplace is imperative. Mizobe has a responsibility to foster an inclusive, diverse, and fair environment at Pocket Pair. Ethical recruitment, zero tolerance for discrimination, and promotion of equality are trademarks of a socially responsible organization, reflecting a leader’s commitment to ethical management.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section explores commonly asked questions about Takuro Mizobe, CEO of Pocket Pair, focusing on his accomplishments, leadership, influence on company culture, strategic decisions, innovative approaches in game development, and future plans for Pocket Pair.

What notable achievements has the CEO of Pocket Pair accomplished in the gaming industry?

Takuro Mizobe led Pocket Pair to develop Craftopia, a title that achieved significant sales, pushing the boundaries of the survival action genre with its innovative features. His efforts have established Pocket Pair as a notable independent game developer in a highly competitive industry.

What leadership style does Pocket Pair’s CEO adopt in managing the company?

Mizobe fosters a creative and independent work environment, encouraging a culture of innovation and autonomy among team members. His leadership style is said to be empowering, giving developers the freedom to explore and implement their own ideas in game development.

How has the CEO’s direction influenced Pocket Pair’s corporate culture?

Under Mizobe’s direction, Pocket Pair has cultivated a corporate culture that thrives on creativity and the mash-up of ideas, as reflected in their diverse game portfolio. This culture of innovation is a core aspect of the company’s identity and success.

What strategic decisions by Pocket Pair’s CEO have significantly impacted the company’s growth?

Strategic decisions, such as embracing the early access model for game releases and focusing on open-world multiplayer games, have facilitated Pocket Pair’s growth and allowed them to capture a dedicated player base eager for new content and gameplay experiences.

Can you describe any innovative approaches Pocket Pair’s CEO has implemented in game development?

Mizobe’s innovative approach involves the integration of various game mechanics, such as agriculture, hack-and-slash, and automation, within open-world settings. This blend of genres, as seen in Craftopia, offers players a unique and fresh gaming experience.

What are the future plans for Pocket Pair under the current CEO’s guidance?

Pocket Pair, guided by Mizobe, is set to release Palworld, a new open-world monster taming game, which indicates the company’s commitment to expanding its game portfolio and exploring new concepts within the gaming market.

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